Revive Cafes Not Opening Under COVID Level 3. Will Open Level 2.
Jeremy Dixon
Given the low number of people in the city, the incredibly high costs of delivery services and the infrastructure we would need to set up for just 2 weeks (hopefully) has made it not worthwhile for us at this stage.
But I am very very grateful for the enormous support we have received from customers ordering our on-line deliciousness with our freshly made nut-butters, mueslis, snack products and cafe creations. And now cookbooks!!!
The next few will be very difficult for our business and all NZ businesses. However I am very positive about the future. We will have to reshape and redefine the cafes, but the end result after a lot of hard work and risk will be a better stronger.
I am a big believer of not letting a crisis go to waste. Every other time my businesses have had some kind of massive setback, it has helped me refocus and search for the next big thing. Not because I want to, but because I have had to do it to survive. And in that time of desperately searching that is when the best ideas and plans are hatched.